On analyzing the popularity received by telegram app, Developers decided to release official telegram for Pc or Telegram desktop version. Telegram Pc Version Or Telegram Desktop Version Review

Similarly, iOS/iPhone users can download telegram for iOS App Store.

If you are looking for updated latest Telegram version for Android, Hit here to get Telegram app from Google Play store.Advanced features with maximum privacy.The secret chat and another form of privacy settings have got major attention of the users.It is fast, reliable, secure and lightweight app focusing on the market for extremely user as well as machine friendly.It has it’s own Cloud Storage which stores all your data in the app server and prevents you from losing them.Before choosing telegram to have a look on to its features and assets. This app got successfully launched into app stores like Google Play Store and iOS App Store. They are mainly focusing on privacy and security, Important thing is it’s free to use. The telegram has more than 50 Million active users and still counting. Telegram is the most popular messaging app released in the year 2013 by the most famous Russian social network VK.com. Free Download Telegram For Pc/Laptop on Windows 10, Windows 7/8/8.1/Xp, Mac Os Computer Have a look at the brief description of the Telegram app. The simplest, secure and privacy of this app attracted the many users. This is exactly where “Telegram app” comes into the picture. While BBM Instant Messaging app losing its users in the market and Whatsapp Messenger facing a network crash and being sold to Facebook the security and privacy of both these apps have gone down. In this article, we would tell you what are its features, what makes it different from the rest of the apps, Quick links to download Telegram Android, Telegram iOS App, finally How to download Telegram for PC or Telegram Desktop App with Windows 10, Windows 7,8,8.1 & XP.